Hello everyone,
This PowerRangerYELLOW and I'm also known as Mightydein on my other NG account.

Age 41, Male

Power ranger

angel grove high

Angel grove

Joined on 1/1/04

Exp Points:
2,636 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.79 votes
Police Officer
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I once turned a sausage into poop.

Thats the power of alchemy right there. it really works. keep it up and you may become a state alchemist.

I turned a grape into wine. Wow.

amazing! I'm happy to see that i'm not the only alchemist on newgrounds.

so humonculi are pure money?

Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.

I'm waiting for the Full Metal Alchemist episode where they turn lead into a slightly less dense lead compound.

I'm gonna leave $20 on the ground and turn it into some hawt sechs.

or go to a nation with cheap and clean hookers. you still get hawt sex and more than one hooker.

wow i thought you were a guy, most assholes are guys i saw your flash or the gayest showdown it sucked. are you aware that you have the golden turd award.your score is under 2 point.s hey if you want to express your fealings go ahead write in a jernal just dont make a flash vid of it and make fun of what other people like and for the record if your going to make fun of something, dont give the nerds 24 in. penises. and another thing teen titains is not gay it's made for 8 year olds, what the fuck you got agains chuck norris anyway, naruto, fuck, any cartoon, manga is not ment for 30 year olds ther made for 10 year olds let the kids enjoy the stuff wile they still can cause it'll just be boring in 6 more years or so and SPEND MORE TIME ON THE LERICS DUMB ASS. MY GOD IT WAS LIKE HEARING A RETARD READ. SHORT, HAD NO PLOT, POOOOOOOR ANIMATION, AND LERICS SUCKED IN 2 WAYS. oh and before you go off piss mad and kill ur mom then sacrifice her for a car, ALCHEMY ISN'T REAL IT'S A GOD DAMN CARTOON. and a word to the wise after ur done reading this go up in ur room lie down on ur bed and think THEROUGHLY what's going on with my life. try it, it helped me.

Don't lecture me boy. Your still not using proper grammar and spelling.

Your getting pissed over nothing.

and face it chuck norris is a has been that sells shitty exercise equipment on mid night infomercials. I haven't seen him do anything else now.

I can't criticize teen titans and naruto just because it's made to entertain children?

that logic is actually pretty retarded since you just contradicted yourself there.

you dissed power rangers but according to your logic you can't do that since they were made to entertain kids.

If told you that you can't criticize my cartoons just because of who there made for. you'd most likely call bull shit on that and rightfully so.

it had it comming but because you said i can't criticize teen titans and naruto just because there kids stuff and than criticized power rangers that makes you a Hippocrate.

The reason i hate teen titans is because it tries too hard to be anime and doesn't use it's anime influence for it's own benefit and not rip off whats popular just because it's a cheap marketing tactic.

I don't even think the creators of teen titans even cares if it's any good since kids will watch anything anyways.

you ever seen samurai jack or dexter's lab? both shows use there anime influence to make there show better instead of worse unlike teen titans.

both samurai jack and dexter's lab are fun shows for kids and don't insult a grown up's intelligence.

and as for naruto it's just another ninja anime. don't really see what the big deal is.

cartoons isn't strictly a kids medium thats a sterotype that a lot of people in this country can't out seem to grow out of.

were actually behind the rest of the world in that sense.

if what you say is true than why the hell are you on animation website lecturing a budding cartoonist about this crap?

I will be ignoring you and will not waste any more time with idiots like you.


sumethin i forgot don't bother leaving any hate mail don't wast ur time i'll ignore it
and power rangers is the most retarded of ALL of the stuff you made fun of that shows for 4 year olds wtf. if theres any gay show here, its power rangers

I just spammed your blog. ignore that bitch! you'll likely delete it and proving your point moot.

Your the reason why i make these flashes to piss jackasses like you off.

seriously dude, you have a lot of growing up to do.

Mature people don't go around lecturing people just having fun on the internet just because what they do annoys them or inconvenience in some way.

Go fuck yourself.

Love PowerRangerYELLOW

alchemy is realy weeweespider, but PowerRangerYellow knows that, and knows what alchemy REALLY is.

you just think alchemy is magic because all you know about alchemy is from a fucking cartoon.

also PowerRangerYellow knows magic alchemy isn't real, you fucking idiot.

the things people are willing to belive just because someone made a flash they don't like.

weeweespider, you are a virus on the gene pool, kill yourself for the good of the human race.

hey homer, check out the post after yours.

Someone actually came in to defend wee wee spider and he even abuses the english language the same way he does.

It takes a lot of effort to read what they wrote.

They really should practice what they preach before lecturing me about effort.


dude you should no that you are seriously totally gay and it is bad to spam peoples blogs and you could get ip banned and also your flash content is lame and I could barely stand to watch all of it several times and then I wrote a review for one of your flashes but it got deleted because m-bot is gay and I hate him and also your flashes are a total waste on newgrounds and i emailed and private messaged wade and several moderators to delete your flash but they haven't responded yet but when they do then your account will be deleted for making flash like that and I deposit my experience by voting 0 on your flashes every day and naurto is for kids so you're not allowed to make fun of it because it's for kids stupid only kids watch it why would you make fun of naurto because it's childish it is supposed to be childish geez holy shit why are you reading all this everything you know is wrong also what have you got against weeweespider he's really cool and you're a mommy head so you should just be quiet and also shut up because you are proving my point and if you send me hate mails then I will ignore them so you had better not send me hate mails because I will ignore the hate mails that you send to me because I will ignore them.

hey jackass, maybe you should use proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure.

All your sentences run together with no periods and your not using paragraphs at all.

You actually expect me to take you seriously? I shouldn't have to put effort into reading what you wrote.

Notice how none of my sentences don't run together?

Maybe before you start lecturing me about effort maybe you should take the effort to make what you wrote to be more easy to read.

The newgrounds staff are more likely to take a complaint that is readable seriously than nonsense that all runs together.

You should know english since you are writing in english to me but your english is as equally bad as wee wee spider's.

This makes you nothing more than a fool that follows the fool.

Even if they can read what you said. there not gonna delete my account just because you hate me.

There not your puppets!


Nah, I'm just dicking around.

ha ha ha ha ha awesome. sorry about my response earilier i thought you were serious.


hahaha i love the reviews you get! theyre so fucking stupid sometimes, i swear i can FEEL my i.q. drop. also, alcahmy IS real HOMG dey cen evun torn led intogold!!!!!11

I agree with you about the reviews written by morons but there are a few intelligent reviews in there.

what really bugs me is when people write bad reviews and don't really put any thought into there reviews and just repeat what has been said a thousand times.

It's all appreciated when they take that little extra effort to actually say something both intelligent and something that'll be useful to me in the future no matter what.

Just remember to keep flagging the truly abusive reviews but leave the funniest ones alone since those are fun to read.

just a bit of advice for you stat hungry kids who might be reading this bloggie reply.

Peace out.


The state revoked my alchemy license.

thats a shame man. now you no longer have access to all those neato alchemy books.

I turned a niggur into an upstanding white citizen.

Beat that.

You sir are on your way to becoming a state alchemist. keep it up.

don't listen to him hes dellusional from sniffing his own shit and piss he keeps in a jar and sun drys until old.

the kids call it jankem.

hes also with the white power movement.

damn it, i deleted his post by mistake. i meant to delete my reply to him. I'm still not used to doing this blog thing.

but since you said he's part of the white power movement. maybe we shouldn't trust him.

arent you popular


Alchemy is awesome alright, turning led into gold, becoming immortal, and some other pretty equally amazing shit as well. Also FMA is one of most favorite animes of all time.

I used to watch that show all the time until the channel that i watched it on stopped playing it.


hey white ranger. you know alchemy too?

I'll be the next Roy Mustang.

awesome but you'll have a lot of competition from the other alchemists that show up here.

Hey, weeweespider
1.u need help.
2.Alcemy is real, its just not like the cartoon
3.It is just a flash, If u dont like it just say so. ( i didint and all i did was give him some coments.)
4.Stop threating people.
5.calm down, Go see a teripist.

And yellow power ranger, after seeing some coments u made, i do relize that u were just goffing off , I reconsided and give the gayest showdown a 4. Sorry if it gets blamed because of me.

I hope you read this.


it's all cool man. your smart guy and hopefully i can train you in the art of alchemy.

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