I hope you all enjoy the show.
Hello everyone,
This PowerRangerYELLOW and I'm also known as Mightydein on my other NG account.
Age 41, Male
Power ranger
angel grove high
Angel grove
Joined on 1/1/04
hey im gonna make a part for this and if you like to add it it will be shweet. rip Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboid
I'll be happy to add your part just remember.
550 width and 400 height
24 frames per second
and a white background
derp my review got deleted, did you do that?
I can't delete reviews and if anything it's likely the ng public who clicked it as unhelpful and the review mod erasing it without any consideration to my own feelings.
If i don't want any of the review erased than the review mods should leave the reviews alone.
I would never kill you. I'd much rather get you some serious help. Life isn't so shitty as long as you make it worth while, and Celebrating this horrible tragedy as if it was a holiday is certainly not the way to do that. You don't have to be like this. You can choose to be different.
Do you know the real reason why the shot up the school?
It's not because they were made fun of, labeled as outcasts, or had no future. They were inspired by the Oklahoma City bombings and wanted to terrorize people including their closest friends. It's not just the school they were planning on shooting up. Columbine would've been a LOT bigger if the bombs they made had worked.
I'll send you the link of the real story if you want me to, it's pretty interesting.
And add a back button for gosh darn sakes.
Yup. It was good. Very good, indeed.
I got a review deleted and review ban because:
"Writing reviews to assist award stealing."
Did anyone else get review banned?
I enjoyed it!