Oh my god how can you make fun of the swine flu
This game is very insensitive to those that have the swine flu and that is why i love it.
Kinda testament to just about everyones hypocrisy here such as it's okay to joke about one tragic thing and not another.
It's almost as if making swine flu games is a safe bet here but seeing all these swine flu games and movies kinda brings newgrounds back to it's roots.
It's all fun at the expense of people that caught the swine flu but to be honest I'm all for it because I've built my own flash career around having fun at the expense of others.
It would make me a hypocrite if i wasn't.
I find it interesting how most people here that normally draw the line at any kind of flash that relates to any kinda human misery is somehow wrong to make are not the least bit shocked by this very game.
Even when the first swine flu game came out.
Noone was shocked and in fact had a good time with it.
This doesn't necessarily mean that the people who enjoy these sorta games or movies don't give a shit about the victims of swine flu or anykinda of tragic event.
It only means they saw something that made them laugh and move on with there daily lives.
The game itself was actually a lot of fun and this sort of thing is very much needed for just about everybody so they can relax and not freak out over the swine flu too much.
There are however things you do to prevent the swine flu such as doing all the normal stuff you do to avoid the regular flu.
wear a germ proof mask whenever necessary and if you do have flu symptoms than for god sakes stay inside your house so that you don't spread your germs.
Killing the pigs that caused the swine flu in the first place also helps.
You can even make it a game so it would be as fun as the submission you just played.