You guys are gonna hate me for this but
It plays out like a long drawn out conversation and this type of humor just doesn't cut for me.
Make your animation move a little bit more and give your characters comical expressions at the right times.
Talking over drab, motionless animation with uninteresting drawings is basically gonna drag the quality of your movie down even if there is some true humor in there.
Since the characters are mostly standing still anyways try not to use tweens for the arms at all.
If there not walking and just standing there. You might as well do a few subtle frame by frame animation.
Look at real life when people stand motionless there is some subtle movement such as when they take breaths.
save tweens for camera effects such as close ups and pans.
The way you do caricature is a good start since we know who the characters are such as obama is obama, the fat women is the fat women and ect.
Satire is not your strong point at all especially political satire since political satire needs to be shocking.
You need to express a view point that might not fit into the mainstream of the public and in some cases take the risk in being despised for your views.
But because it is new and shocking.
Sometimes you might even change minds but political satire doesn't work when you play it safe.
Just look at how boring those bush is dumb jokes are since everyone agrees anyways.
Do all this and your next movie will be a more effective satire and even more successful than the movie you already made.
Good luck to your future attempts at political satire.