Intro was cool but the rest is bellow average
The start of this movie was cool because there was some ambition shown there and the way it spoofed the announcer telling the people the shows sponsors was dead on and pretty funny.
I barely even watch anime at all but i have seen the japanese annoncer telling me the sponsors of the show while faint music plays in the background in live action japanese superhero shows.
The lip synching was another dead on spoof since most animes only use what looks two frames for talking.
and to the people complaining about recycled animation in this movie that in itself is a parody of animes over reliance on stock footage.
The drawings rarely improve in the same show because they use the same stock footage animation so many times such as long drawn out transformation sequences.
The overuse of the speedlines was something that was dead on. While speed lines can look cool.
It looks stupid when it is used to emphasize extreme emotions constantly and another suggestion is add classical music as part of your score.
Classical music in the background is also very help it even makes shitty anime titles such as inuyasha almost feel cool but the quality itself is from the musical score and not the show.
a lot of anime titles really do have some beautiful music but thats not to say that a lot of anime titles have terrible music in there too.
a woman singing in Japanese offkey in her most annoying way will work in your favor to exaggerate how some jpop songs can be pretty annoying.
The overly long and often difficult japanese to pronounce words is a good parody of english dubs of animes that use japanese words in cases where an english word would suffice in it's place.
Fansubs are even worse for this because sometimes the subtiles will say baka instead of idiot or henshin instead of transform for example.
Important characters in anime tend to die off like flies all the time and if you watch enough of it.
Those kind of storylines all run together to the point that it can no longer be taken seriously as a proper plot device because it is overused just that much.
It shows lazy writing for the most part but a lot of anime otaku are suckered in by that cliche.
Just like how a lot of people are still suckered in by hollywood cliches so there is a chance to include another target for satire in a subtle way using some parallels.
I recommend killing some characters off and playing it all over dramatic, trying too hard to be emotional and have cheesy flashbacks that plays like life flashing before his eyes.
There is a chance to do some brand new animations as if flashing back to past episodes of girl chan but it's all the more funny to people that seen girl chan from the start because those animations were never there before.
Your not the only one doing anime parodies so there is gonna be a competition against you and perhaps even lots of it.
Most people on this site are more talk than action but still be prepaired and try to muster as much ambition as possible because in anime everything is big.