truely this was created by the gods
123bee is soon learning that he no longer the king of the hill because hank hill is.
and the star syndicate is now proven to be the king of all cartoons.
truely this was created by the gods
123bee is soon learning that he no longer the king of the hill because hank hill is.
and the star syndicate is now proven to be the king of all cartoons.
I miss jetninjin a lot
He was a lot more talented than most people really give credit for and while his drawings are not great he does everything with such gusto and approaches all his efforts like an art form.
This movie itself set an excellent sense of atmosphere and basically created a sense of reality that most better drawings couldn't.
Wade fulp you owe us an explanation
Why did you delete grand father clock's account? he was just a harmless guy that made funny cartoons.
He isn't a flash troll or even makes any spam at all in fact he still brings a lot on the table to newgrounds in general.
I'm gonna miss his hawkings capers movies, his parodies and his all around hilarious cartoons.
What did he do wrong exactly?
This movie is a great parody of those old time cheesy 9/11 tributes and in a way it is informative because i never even realized that grandfatherclock's account was deleted.
as spam it works, as a tribute it works, as being informative it works, overall it just works.
RIP Grandfather Clock :(
except for the 4chan memes this wasn't too bad
I liked the really funny drawings and the way you animated it for the most part it actually kinda amusing.
But it's those 4chan memes in there that kinda ruined this otherwise great movie for me.
The memes themselves are highly overused on this site that any of hint of humor is gone from them.
It's not hard to think up your own stupid things since you clearly did in some spots with your batman movies.
but i can assume you accomplished your goal since you knew that 4chan memes piss other trolls off.
and your goal was to troll other trolls but you can also piss even more people off by saying 4chan sucks.
The whole thing reminds me of those rare actually funny articles on encyclopedia of dramatica.
while it is funny it could be improved upon with a simple purging of 4chan memes.
You can mark this review unhelpful because i hate 4chan but i love this movie much in the same way some people who hate anime love the shit out of akira.
Keep em coming.
4chan cha chan 43V3r
Great collab idea but could have been better
The idea of a collection of works all releated to mr.Bucket is extreamly humorous idea and given the absurdity of the topic i would would have expected a bigger team of people jumping on board.
but it is unfortunate that this collab wasn't executed better as a whole even as spam since this was an extremely good idea.
You could have at least 12 movies within the collab and even if all 12 movies turned out to be terrible there is still a higher chance that each part will make you laugh at least once.
But even while this collab turned out to only be okay it was still interesting trip down memory lane.
They just don't make spam like they used to and it's shame too.
Piconjo j00 pwnt teh newgroundlings
As much as you guys complain about piconjo but even if you hate him and his movies it is obvious that you all still miss piconjo and want him to come back.
He has broken up the boredom of the status quo since no matter what your gonna have some kinda of emotional response to this collection whether it's positive or negative.
most of you are all mad because piconjo intentionally works to his own personal standards of quality and Aesthetic.
even the bad piconjo movies are great because the ones made by piconjo is a direct satire of the newgrounds community itself.
Piconjo knows what pushes your buttons and he does it everytime while at the same time reflecting your own flaws right back at you.
The satire itself is still relevant towards the newgrounds community itself since the audiences is behaving the same way they did in 2004.
The best movies were the first 4 movies in the piconjo jam and while each movie gotten progressivly worse and worse in terms of quality they all had a quality to them that made you click each and every movie in the entire collection.
In a way it was almost like the collab organizer had to go it on his own lot since might have had a hard time getting anyone to help with this latest piconjo jam.
while there are certainly better piconjo jam movies out there.
This one stands out because at this point the piconjo collabs kept getting better and better.
and the fact that these movies still have an influence over submissions uploaded even now a days say a lot.
The piconjo jams are still being watched when anyother movie/game would have faded into total obscurity.
hahahahahahahah foamy got owned
This very brief animation for what seems to about 5 seconds is a lot more complex in it's construction than most of the reviewers here care to realize.
The fact you animated foamy using frame by frame is a big step up from how illwillpress animates foamy even if the animation was a little jumpy.
You included some subtle shadows on foamy which is just more detail onto the drawings hence making it even harder to animate.
a higher frame rate would farther smooth out the part where foamy is running.
A lot of people take it for granted the level of the effort it takes to make this piece of animation.
You got the character animation down pat but it could use a background, maybe foamy bitching about something.
But all in all while this is animated better than anything illwillpress can do it is not any of the better foamy disses since i have seen funnier ones this one.
This movie needs to be longer so it can be given a full chance to make more defensive fanboys cry.
I would be interested in seeing more from you since you clearly show a lot of signs of talent.
One of the funniest movies i seen on ng in while
You have these nerds screaming internet memes at you while your busy doing something else.
and while your first thoughts are that these nerds are annoying and you have violent fantasies because you want them to shut up as soon as possible.
The voice actor of the internet meme spitting nerd did a great performance and helped enhance the sense that the alien itself was annoyed by the nerd and on a close up i even seen it's anger in it's eyes alone.
The emotion on the nerd spitting out the internet memes could have better captured if you tried to fight back your instinct to ignore the nerds that spit out internet meme in real life.
While these nerds are annoying and it is difficult to pay any attention to them because all your natural instincts tell you to ignore them until they stop but even still you managed to bring in some observations about the most annoying types of nerds.
In closing this movie was hilarious in it's approach and honesty.
i'm glad you enjoyed it!
Hello everyone,
This PowerRangerYELLOW and I'm also known as Mightydein on my other NG account.
Age 41, Male
Power ranger
angel grove high
Angel grove
Joined on 1/1/04