
178 Movie Reviews

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Self parody is an interesting direction here.

But i didn't really like it all that much because you were making predictions about your fanbase that people like me who hate your work already know all too well.

I know these brats will praise you for making a shitty video game parody but i would just cash in on these little shitheads rather spoof myself cashing in on them.

but however it does display that you do have a sense of humor about yourself and i reward you points for it.

In closing it is a very positive step that you are moving away from doing any more stupid brawl taught movies.


Lacks the same edge as metal gear funnies

The collab in general was above average here but not as good as i was expecting to be honest.

I feel it has been hyped up for a good long time but satire doesn't automatically equal quality especially when it lacks the very same bite as a previous satirical collab called metal gear funnies.

You pretty much already said what you had to say in that previous effort so what more has to said?

The natural thing to do would have been to satirize your targets reaction to the satire in general.

Make them think it's an apology and than give them them a giant middle finger metaphorically speaking.

That is not saying that is some valid satire in there but the lack of shock vaule and all around lack of surprise causes me to subtract points.

kirbopher and rina chan are perfect targets for satire because they bring in new stuff onto the table to say but the rest of the stuff you spoofed has already been said before.

If you do another video game related funnies movie than please parody the reaction of metal gear funnies and the praise that brawl funnies got just because it simply removed the gross stuff and repeated the same arguments metal gear funnies already made.

A more effective satire but only because the previous effort made great arguments, was offensive, was gross and all around went against the grain of what your targets wanted.

Remember when a satire repeats itself it is no longer a satire but a target to be satirized.

I know you guys are my friends and all but i had to be honest here because i was a little disappointed and the collab didn't meet my expectations due to all the hype.

In closing a good sequel but an opportunity to top metal gear funnies was missed.


CoolDrMoney responds:

I agree

But its mostly cause WPS wasnt involved in this and that hurts the most :(

Almost all or nothing here but why

You got some really decent drawings but those twig arms on your man looks really awkward.

You can do the legs,body and face just fine so why not do the arms with the same attention to detail as well.

I don't understand why people do there drawings as part way stickmen even in small part when they can either do a true stickman such as twig legs, twig torso, twig arms and a head or not do a stickman at all.

explosm for example gives his stickman a rounded stomach and it just looks awkward to me because it's a fake version of stick figures.

a stick figure wouldn't look right without the twig arms, twig torso and twig legs.

Just like how your drawing of your man doesn't look right with those stick figure like twig arms.

Just one little thing to complain about in your otherwise well done movie here.

I would just recommend coloring in your animations using color pencils, crayons, paints, markers, pastels,ect.

anything but photoshop if you can help it.

It looks better than photoshops brushes in my opinion.

Things like coloring pencils, paints, markers, crayons and whatever else you use to color in your masterwork is not hard to come by.

You can actually find that stuff in pretty much anywhere so your tools are not hard to come by and it looks better than photoshop brushes and easier to get a hang of.

I like all those different and changing camera angles you did in your cartoon it really gives it a lot of scope.

Those fast jump cuts you use a lot set an atmosphere of open space in your movie all together.

If at all possible could you make more traditional animation and try different things on for size since your pretty damn successful already.

It's refreshing to see a daily first that isn't overrated trash.


danomano65 responds:


You sir are a hero to me and all of mankind

The very fact that this submission is a misleading title makes the prank all the more brillent.

It's the flash equal of running into a church and yelling there is "No god" at the top of your lungs.

In closing don't kill the messager but kill the unwashed masses that leave this wonderful movie bad reviews for years to come.


Hulalaoo responds:


Dead on spoof of one aspect of nerd culture.

I liked the way you spoofed the whole mess of sprite movies in general and the fact you had many people rushing to defend your subject target.

Shows that the audience who who are fanboys/fangirls of your subject of parody are easily angered and rendered your predictions correct.

You fall into the trap of getting defensive over parodies that upset you rendered you nothing more than a statistic.

But any great spoof can spark some interesting debate over the subject matter itself such as the whole concept of sprite movies for example.

Sure sprite fans will likely complain over the shitty drawings and try to pretend that it takes more effort to import premade images into flash rather than draw every frame by hand

The shitty drawings point out how sprite animators can polish a similar turd to look like gem just by using a sprite sheet as long as they give the other thief credit.

While this movie is dreadful it does make a point that had this been a sprite movie instead it would be more popular and rather overrated.

The humor is also very much a dead on satirical attack on the same predictable pop culture references, MP3's of funny dialogue tacked onto boring visuals and internet memes in general.

Even as a sprite movie it would have still likely pissed some sprite movie fanboys/fangirls off.

But it is the fact that it is drawn by hand highlights how much more effort it takes to draw a movie.

In closing it's easy to make a good sprite movie when half the work off of sprite sheets is already done for you.

Hell, my little brother used to shit out sprite movies all the time until i teased him of it.


You almost got a good satire here

Thats an actual pretty good satirical attack of the slap dash production of pico's school and i know plenty of people will click this review as useless but pay attention to pico's school and this movie.

It points out the flaws of the games narrative in general.

I think awesomebine would have been a better title for this movie because while you are spoofing both pico's school and egoraptor's humor styling.

Pico's school is a very much a columbine inspired game and the fact it was released on the same year as the columbine high school massacre.

Hell, i got in trouble at school for playing pico's school on the computer but it was only a brief lecture that while the game is a harmless distraction it might not be socially appropriate to play at school.

This in general is an alright spoof of ego's work but nothing that i would consider to be the parody it could have been.

Ego's work in general with the exception of girl chan is hyper as hell and confusing.

I would have made fun of that such as making the pace somewhat faster because i while i hate ego's work it oddly works because it ends in a blur leaving you room with only two reactions.

Hey this is funny or hey that sucked dicks.

General ivan's voice acting was very comical stuff and i liked how he did all the voices because everyone of them fitted the characters.

His emotions in the voices were way above average and he didn't really underact nor did he do any real overacting rather he overacted when appropriate because the movie itself overacted.

This shows signs of a great actor at work and i hope to see more animators asking him for help rather than the same actors everyone else uses due to there popularity.

Most voice actors on newgrounds tend to do the same voice for there characters because they can only do there natural voice and can barely act.

a tip for any would be voice actors reading this review.

Remember to always try on a new voice before taking on a new roll because you don't want too many characters you voice to sound alike.

In short you picked a good voice acting to work with and your doing a good thing by asking a voice actor who doesn't appear to be plastered all over other movies within the portal.

We as a viewing public while like seeing actors we like do other work we also give more of a fuck over an actor's performance over the animator using said voice actor's celebrity status.

This was a dead on parody of pico's school but the satirical attack on egoraptor's work could have been a little better because you left some aspects of his shit unspoofed.

As i said egoraptor's metal gear awesome, mario awesome and epically awesome gaiden end in a confusing blur leaving you room for only two reactions.

That was funny or that sucked dicks.

The fact that this didn't end in a even more confusing blur and left room for inbetween reactions renders this as an imperfect spoof to ego's humor stylings.


Lalo responds:

Thanks for the review mister :)

Thanks for the education

for i now understand the wonderful difference between white people and black people.

It truly is a diverse and beautiful world.


actually above average here

I wasn't too wild about the animeish drawings here but your animation was actually decent here.

The whole movie here is a parody to the general graphic whorish animeish movies thats typically posted on newgrounds.

In fact the movie was self aware of it's actual quality and was thoroughly embarrassed.

I like this a lot because you weren't shy about targeting yourself for parody here.

so many artists here take themselves way too seriously and it seems like the better you draw the more you forget how to have fun.

Thank you for being the exception and i would be interested in seeing your other spoofs.


I liked the graphics but thats about it here

I liked the fact that the backgrounds appear to be colored in with more traditional methods such as the appearance of the backgrounds done in crayons.

people don't take crayons seriously as an artists tool since it's usually associated with children doing drawings but little kids also use paints, color pencils and markers.

Oddly adults take the other tools for coloring seriously but fail to realize that it's not the tools you color in with but the artist.

If the background was done in photoshop than it is a lot of unneeded work to create the illusion of a hand drawn picture.

The humor just didn't cut it for me and while it was free of internet memes. It was still basically the same lol random stuff that doesn't really make me laugh the least bit.

It's likely to be an overrated movie just because people like you already and will most likely vote based purely on marquee value.

The actual drawings were pretty clean and steady on the cat but for the feel of this movie and the crayon colored backgrounds.

You can actually get away with some sloppiness in the drawings here and the line art wiggling a little bit.

Sure it would look unpolished and unprofessional but it would be fitting here and appropriate due to the backgrounds having that crayon like style to them.

I also liked the music for the movie and even if this movie is not my cup of tea at least it's not as terrible aa your other shitty overrated loops and weebl and bob movies.

In closing keep this cat face thing has a lot of potential to be actually a lot of fun and not be completely stupid like your other works.


Okay those same effect again

You used those same trippy effects on your last submission already and in a way kinda sucks the coolness out of those decent special effects here.

I assume your gunning for being a top uploader but maybe you should be organizing collabs, shitting iout solo submissions like crazy and you would stand out above every other top uploader.

I like you as a person in general but using the same recycled intro for two different movies in a row a waste of your potential.


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