
178 Movie Reviews

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I wonder whats on ng today? oh no dicks!!!!

Kinda funny but the anime stock expressions here kinda tainted your more personal drawing style here.

Look at the expressions at other people such as when your watching a movie that is shocking your friends.

Real people make much funnier faces when they are shocked and the whole whites of the eyes and no pupils in anime is an exaggeration of this actual facial expression people use.

Once you understand how overused the stock facial expressions of the shocked eyes and anime happy eyes than you will understand that there is funnier ways to draw these emotions.

animate there eyes moving somewhat and there face twitching as there emotions change.

On the last frame there is a gap left open around your characters hair and we can see part of the background through him.

Take the time to actually fill in that gap because while most people take gap free coloring for granted.

They do notice when you leave gaps open.

and i like the little message that we should all be aware of what were watching before complaining since sometimes there are warning signs that you'll end up seeing something you don't want to see.

I kinda watch stuff i have no interest in seeing because of boredom and curiosity.

In closing a decent submission that is under 50kb in file size.


LegatoSkyheart responds:

Thank you for this comment! I will consider this advice for Future flashes! perhaps the reason I used that expresion is because I see it alot.

Cool but i have some small things to bitch about..

The way you drew kim jong ill was nicely done and was drawn a lot better than your usual animeish drawing style.

Some of the edges were still a little messy here and there but that extra bit of detail to completely caricature kim jong ill makes it look all the more cool.

But there is one little thing i never really bitched about but i have noticed within your other past works.

Our friendship has stopped me from complaining but i have to tell you the truth because i like seeing be as successful as possible.

you still leave gaps open around your foreground objects, characters, ect after coloring them in.

Small gaps mind you but it is still a flaw in your otherwise great drawings and animations.

I know a lot of pros even make this mistake too but it's a small thing that usually bugs me when i watch flash movies in general.

parts around kim jong ill's glove looked a little messy and you can easily zoom in those parts fill in some more color and also erase those unnecessary lines.

The missiles themselves were colored in fine and free of gaps in the coloring as was the back ground itself.

you applied a nice usage of gradients around the sun glasses lens of kim jong ill's pair of sun glasses.

I like the Korean text and happy music to go with this little loop because it was actually pretty relaxing and made me almost like kim jong ill even he was a dick head.

is this actual text here translated into korean or just random korean letters since most english speaking members of newgrounds won't be able to spot that sort of thing anyways?

Fun little loop but i feel kinda bad for bitching about a few things here and there because were close friends.


xtil responds:

All glory Kim Jong Il ! No Motherland Without You !

this is a very bad VG parody

I like the fact that you used a high frame rate because fast animation like that looks pretty comical even as sprites but the movie itself didn't really make me laugh one bit.

most of the humor was internet memes used in other movies before but it also add that overly high rate and it makes me almost feel bad for giving it a bad review because it takes forever to animate at frame rates like that.

Most video game parodies these days are drawn by hand as vector graphics since there is a demand for that sort of thing just like how more people do frame by frame rather than tweens for example.

It actually is possible to make a hilarious video game themed movie but this means not using internet memes, not making observations already made by other people, ect

There was a lot of potential to make something pretty funny since i assume this was an attempt to spoof the typical VG parody.


pretty cool

I like all the camera angles you used within this flash and was the music created by you or a friend because it was really fitting.

the way you drawn you backgrounds better than your characters and stuck with subtle colors added a lot here.

some novice animators make the mistake of using all there colors at once and this a bit of show of some skill in color theory here.

good use of tweens, shape tweens and frame by frame.

Keep up the good work and excellent first submission.


malkan responds:

thank you very much! i download the music on a free use web page, teh only thing i have to do is to put some reference from the autor in this case his name is kevin macleod. the strange thing was that i already have finished the animation when i put the music and still fit like a shoe!

Needs work but don't stop, Your still learning.

The bodily proportions need a little bit of work here and there. sometimes the arms,legs, head would be a bit too big for the body, small, ect.

Not very consistent at all but not saying the animation needs to all be on model perfectly.

since people in real life are not on model perfectly when they move either and when you try too hard to stay on model than the animation ends up looking a little stiff.

when your doing tweens think of it more than in terms of arms, legs because there is a few joints in the foot alone.

tweens have to be subtle to look good or otherwise it looks like arms and legs swinging around like robots.

Go outside and watch people watch and try your best to remember your observations the best you can because this will make your animation look a lot better.

or go frame by frame.

Not saying tweens are bad just that unsubtle tweens are bad.

tweens for camera movement, speed lines in the background, tweens used to create the illusion of perspective are all acceptable uses.

The characters hair didn't move once in the wind and this can be pulled off using either shape tweens or frame by frame.

The fact that they ran outside, doing a lot of jumping and most other activities should have been a clue to animate there hair as well.

The pencil strokes were often very slap dash and sloppy and sometimes you would leave large gaps whenever you colored something in.

You watch some movies made by even just pros and they leave a gap where you can see part of the background through there characters, fore ground objects, ect.

try your best not to leave even the tiniest of gaps when you color in your characters, swords, ect because it tends to look very sloppy.

There is an options menu within flash that allows you to close gaps whenever you color in with the paint bucket tool.

sometimes it's needed to zoom in on your drawings to look on closer inspection for gaps and even though some pros skip this step it still puts you ahead of your competition in that sense.

as for the pencil strokes problem can be fixed by erasing extra needless strokes and even use the arrow tool to move edges around until it comes out cleaner.

you can actually get away with making your movies a lot longer than this since the newgrounds filesize limit lately is actually pretty lenient.

Most people don't even make movies above 3 megs most of the time and ng's limit is 10 megs.

Not saying that you need to make your episodes a giant filesize here just that you should make your episodes long enough to give a real sense of suspense here while treating it as a complete movie at the same time.

think of different animes as an example of an on going story arc without any suspense there it gives you no reason to come back.

also when your doing these storylines try making fun of the anime cliches instead of using them with non sarcastic intent.

when you fade out of a scene with your drawings be sure to copy and paste your drawings together so that flash sees it as one drawing on it's own timeline before turning it into a symbol.

Ghost effects look horrible when the separate parts of the drawing don't read as one big drawing on it's own.

The transparent ghost effect can even be animated as well but only as a movie clip. when you have them do things like walk cycles don't animate in the same way as you would on the maintime line because it has to be read as one big drawing per frame rather than separate.

tweened arms, legs or anykind of separate part looks jarring in ghost effects and yes even pros fuck up on animating ghost effects themselves.

I hope this review was to your liking and i hope these steps help you in making episodes of your series all the more better.


hilarious collab you got here

I liked the collection of movies that spoofed smash brothers brawl and most of the humor was all genuine but i subtracted a point for use of overused clock crew memes.

strawberry clock running around screaming the letter b at the top of his lungs isn't really funny but the rest was great.

The different art styles within the collab was a really nice touch and the fact you and your group didn't use already made clock crew avatars showcases each clocks true talent.

The menu layout can be dressed up and some dvd like extras would be a nice touch.

Keep these clock crew collabs coming but try to discourage your group from using overdone clock crew memes more often.

your all funny guys and don't need to resort to using internet memes unless done in a sarcastic manner making fun of internet memes.

In closing it is good to see the clocks still making cool shit like this.


good drawings but bad movie/loop

I like the effects you used to give the badgers auras and the mushrooms but it loses points to due unoriginality.

too many people make these badger parodies and there all the exact same thing.

I liked the way you drew the backgrounds and you easily have the potential to be doing more original works or at least parodies that don't copy the original source material 100%

I liked how you fit all this into a file bellow 100k

Better luck you in the future and nice attempt at least.


Awesome dude

This is either a tribute to a great april fools prank or china truely runs newgrounds now either way it is a good thing.

If i didn't fall a sleep in the middle of my mental exercise.

I would have had a cartoon done already. I bow my head in a shame.


Nice mix of frame by frame and tweens

I haven't seen a subtle mix of frame by frame and tweens pulled off this well even by more experienced animators on this site.

The movie could have used some sound effects and music but the visuals were extremely entertaining none the less.

I see a shit load of potential in you and would look forward to seeing your next endeavors.

Best of luck.


ALLanimation responds:

Thanks for all of the kinds words. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

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