Needs work but don't stop, Your still learning.
The bodily proportions need a little bit of work here and there. sometimes the arms,legs, head would be a bit too big for the body, small, ect.
Not very consistent at all but not saying the animation needs to all be on model perfectly.
since people in real life are not on model perfectly when they move either and when you try too hard to stay on model than the animation ends up looking a little stiff.
when your doing tweens think of it more than in terms of arms, legs because there is a few joints in the foot alone.
tweens have to be subtle to look good or otherwise it looks like arms and legs swinging around like robots.
Go outside and watch people watch and try your best to remember your observations the best you can because this will make your animation look a lot better.
or go frame by frame.
Not saying tweens are bad just that unsubtle tweens are bad.
tweens for camera movement, speed lines in the background, tweens used to create the illusion of perspective are all acceptable uses.
The characters hair didn't move once in the wind and this can be pulled off using either shape tweens or frame by frame.
The fact that they ran outside, doing a lot of jumping and most other activities should have been a clue to animate there hair as well.
The pencil strokes were often very slap dash and sloppy and sometimes you would leave large gaps whenever you colored something in.
You watch some movies made by even just pros and they leave a gap where you can see part of the background through there characters, fore ground objects, ect.
try your best not to leave even the tiniest of gaps when you color in your characters, swords, ect because it tends to look very sloppy.
There is an options menu within flash that allows you to close gaps whenever you color in with the paint bucket tool.
sometimes it's needed to zoom in on your drawings to look on closer inspection for gaps and even though some pros skip this step it still puts you ahead of your competition in that sense.
as for the pencil strokes problem can be fixed by erasing extra needless strokes and even use the arrow tool to move edges around until it comes out cleaner.
you can actually get away with making your movies a lot longer than this since the newgrounds filesize limit lately is actually pretty lenient.
Most people don't even make movies above 3 megs most of the time and ng's limit is 10 megs.
Not saying that you need to make your episodes a giant filesize here just that you should make your episodes long enough to give a real sense of suspense here while treating it as a complete movie at the same time.
think of different animes as an example of an on going story arc without any suspense there it gives you no reason to come back.
also when your doing these storylines try making fun of the anime cliches instead of using them with non sarcastic intent.
when you fade out of a scene with your drawings be sure to copy and paste your drawings together so that flash sees it as one drawing on it's own timeline before turning it into a symbol.
Ghost effects look horrible when the separate parts of the drawing don't read as one big drawing on it's own.
The transparent ghost effect can even be animated as well but only as a movie clip. when you have them do things like walk cycles don't animate in the same way as you would on the maintime line because it has to be read as one big drawing per frame rather than separate.
tweened arms, legs or anykind of separate part looks jarring in ghost effects and yes even pros fuck up on animating ghost effects themselves.
I hope this review was to your liking and i hope these steps help you in making episodes of your series all the more better.