sad to be giving this review because you all rock.
while there was entertainment value here it was clearly rushed and most time trials allow a whole week to make an entertaining short that is likely to pass judgment by itself.
but it was all mostly shitty loops here and these sorta collabs work better as spam submissions than a legitimate effort like this collection you all made here.
while loops can be good for collabs you have to set a limit on how many loops you allow in your collab.
There were a few interesting loops in there such as the parts by tommy, marcy, Flee, chillycheese, Simmon G, and Voodoo but the rest of the parts were terrible with the exception of sucho because his part wasn't a loop.
The whole group all have there own talents and you would do well in trying to muster up as much ambition as possible in not just you but your group as well.
They want the collab to be as successful as you do and sometimes this means separating the truly lazy with the people willing to give you 110%
There is always room for both good and bad movies in any collab in my opinion but without the balance of good and bad parts than some peoples talents don't get nurtured into even better artists.
when the good parts out number the bad parts than the people who people made bad parts may surprise you with there ingenuity the next time you create a collab.
and another thing don't write names on the menu buttons until the actual collab is finished because sometimes people drop out at the last second due to there own laziness when this happens than said person no longer deserve a button in your collab.
as a collab organizer it is sometimes your job to fill in the lost movies roll yourself or look for a substitute.
I look forward to seeing UPwn Time Trails 2# and hope to see the groups talents better nurtured and hope it is not a collab of mostly shitty loops again.