
178 Movie Reviews

70 w/ Responses

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sad to be giving this review because you all rock.

while there was entertainment value here it was clearly rushed and most time trials allow a whole week to make an entertaining short that is likely to pass judgment by itself.

but it was all mostly shitty loops here and these sorta collabs work better as spam submissions than a legitimate effort like this collection you all made here.

while loops can be good for collabs you have to set a limit on how many loops you allow in your collab.

There were a few interesting loops in there such as the parts by tommy, marcy, Flee, chillycheese, Simmon G, and Voodoo but the rest of the parts were terrible with the exception of sucho because his part wasn't a loop.

The whole group all have there own talents and you would do well in trying to muster up as much ambition as possible in not just you but your group as well.

They want the collab to be as successful as you do and sometimes this means separating the truly lazy with the people willing to give you 110%

There is always room for both good and bad movies in any collab in my opinion but without the balance of good and bad parts than some peoples talents don't get nurtured into even better artists.

when the good parts out number the bad parts than the people who people made bad parts may surprise you with there ingenuity the next time you create a collab.

and another thing don't write names on the menu buttons until the actual collab is finished because sometimes people drop out at the last second due to there own laziness when this happens than said person no longer deserve a button in your collab.

as a collab organizer it is sometimes your job to fill in the lost movies roll yourself or look for a substitute.

I look forward to seeing UPwn Time Trails 2# and hope to see the groups talents better nurtured and hope it is not a collab of mostly shitty loops again.


xXxAlecxXx responds:

Well this was a test mostly it took a while to fix the bugs and that's most the effort that went in to this, it was fun but now we have gotten more attention from bigger members on the site like nogfish we will make 2# alot better.

a painfully generic stickfight

This was kinda cool and i noticed a shit loads of effort but i will have to subtract points because this is like a lot of other stick figure fights with a highly unoriginal look to it.

They all look the same and none do anything much else to stand out above each other.

Why can't you do something simple like drawing faces on your sticks to standout above the other literary faceless stickfights?

You put all this time and effort into making a cool as possible of a stick fight and adding facial expressions on your stickmen while might not seem important but why put so much effort into complex things while overlooking simple things like that?

a complex drawing is nothing more than combined simple drawings to make up a certain style or whatever.

If you watch other stickfights often other animators overlook simple details such as a facial expressions but you honestly don't need to blend in with the crowded market of stick fight movies.

Go beyond the typical newgrounders expectations of the whole stick fight genre and you will notice that you will have influence over future stick fight movies due to your own creativity.

Right now you could be a leader instead of a sheep that happened to make a generic stick movie that won a few awards.

There are still however things i liked about this stick fight such as the fact you created your own characters rather than making your sticks the green guy and the blue guy that have no names of there own.

You gave them names and there own weapons but character development was somewhat lacking.

The character development or your characters was lacking but it was a quick fight scene for the sake of distraction so there isn't much to complain about here.

I like the use of unconventional weapons because it shows more imagination than hand to hand, swords or guns.

having one stick use a yo yo to fight another stick brandishing a sword shows signs some imagination.

No much to say about in the terms of storyline for a quick fight scene it has a start, middle and climax much like any other story.

You got somewhat of a loose narrative in there so maybe tighten that narrative up a little bit to explain what started the conflict between the two sticks and so on.

it can even be a crappy story but even the worst of action movies have better stories than hey i don't like you lets fight.

but most of us don't expect much in the way of narrative of either stick fight movies or action movies in general.

You can take or leave my advice but i hope you take it because than you'll make an equally successful movie and have a lot less people bitching about how overrated your next movie is.

Sorry for being so harsh on you but seeing this movie gives me the feeling that you are destined for better things.


Hyun responds:

Well I don't think of it as an "unoriginal" look. I look at it as a "traditional" one ;D
Sure some stick anims like the castle series have eyes and advanced character development but I really love the original/traditional style of how they're faceless simple stick things, but at the same time are capable of having emotions. Thanks for the thoughtful review though, I shal take it into consideration!

What a neat little birthday present

The movie itself is pretty silly and you did some pretty good looking stick figures.

I would say about average here but when you compare your sticks to the usual faceless stick figures that shoot guns at each other than that raises it to above average.

People in general don't like stick movies because of a large number of them are generic but there are also stick movies that have personality and show strong signs of creativity such as your movie for example.

The sticks in your movie do look a little generic since you drew the goofy sticks in the same manner as you seen in a lot of other movies.

There is nothing to stop you from putting more definition in there eyes because anything looks better than just dots for the eyes.

But it's the movies sense of humor that worked for me even while the brush strokes were sloppy, the sticks looked a bit generic but not grossly generic so that is a step up anyways.

I found your nonstick drawings to be more distinct and interesting to look at.

If you are to stick with doing stick movies than just keep working on giving your stick more of a style that is all your own.

You'll reach a point that when people see your stick movies they will know right away that it was something you made.

Your really good and i look forward to seeing you either dropping the sticks or make your sticks in a brand new style.

In closing the person you made this for must be having a happier birthday because of your stupid little movie.



This is truly starwberryclock's greatest movie of all times. It's simple charms entertains me everytime.

There is nothing much for me to say here because what more is there to learn after making the perfect movie?



This was pretty much a good parody to a parody of a parody so in other words this is basically a triple parody.

I knew brawl funnies was going to be targeted for satire sooner or later.

thats the thing with satire here is that even other satires are not safe from being a target of satire.

In the end it is all fair game.

You summed up a large chuck of what the humor in brawl funnies was basically and you even got a jab at rtil's Metropolis Circuit.

It's an interesting combination to say the least and i will be interested in seeing more parodies of not just brawl funnies but brawl taunts since that basically spoofed itself too and is also a target for parody.

Keep those parodies coming.


dreftclub responds:

A few months ago ashford pride made a movie with a foreboding title. It was called "Awesome Grounds".

Well ladies and gentlemen, that's might as well what this site should be called (at least right now), with the top row on the front page slot dedicated to an "awesome" movie and an "awesome" parody, an "awesome" t-shirt in the newgrounds store, and pretty much every "awesome" movie in the top 100, along with han's "awesome's creed".

I can't go to newgrounds with seeing something not about egoraptor or his coveted video game parody series. It makes me wonder sometimes if pursuing anything but half-assed cartoons making mildly funny observations about video games laced with profanity is even worth it. Truly, they are what bring the masses of 13-year olds to this site, and thus increases traffic and competition in the internet world. But you have to ask yourself, with this sort of two-bit audience increasing in numbers, are they really interested in watching anything else?

I understand that it's a dog eat dog world in the online entertainment business, and to compete you have to pretty much put up content that a majority of internet browsers would click on. This includes either women or video games. Things they already know they want. And that's all they want. They sign up, watch more, and come back and do it again later. They're trained to know that what they want is easily accessible and is promoted all over the site.

Original content is often shuffled off to the bottom of the page, or never gets any attention to begin with. Now comes into play the whole 'they won't click on it unless there's a boob for the icon', etc etc. That's because they've been fashioned to think that way.

I'm not saying i have all the mysterious answers to the way people's minds work. But this much is true - if all people click on are breasts and video game icons, and you give them breasts and video game icons, you're not pushing the envelope.

Newgrounds is the epitome of user-generated content. We already have a massive advantage over youtube in the fact that making a cartoon involves so much more creativity than snappily editing your webcam footage. So instead of 200 cartoons coming out every minute, we have 200 cartoons coming out every day. That gives someone a better chance of breaking out and being discovered for his hard work, and a reward for a job well done.

But in the same way that viewers are trained that they don't have to go out of their way to avoid original content they would otherwise enjoy, authors are becoming more and more disenchanted with their personal creations and are turning to nerd culture icons and cheap tactics to get viewers.

I can't tell you how many animators I have spoken to that have shunned their own creations in favor of sub-pop culture parody and disjointed scripts sprinkled with toilet humor and profanity. a cartoon catering to everyone who's forgotten what cartoons are all about. And here we are shoving away everything about cartoons that was originally appealing and magical, because we're pretty much forced to.

I'm not pointing the finger at any one person here. I think it's part of the bigger picture - bigger than Newgrounds, too. But if people really care about the future of cartoons and animation, we wouldn't be seeing this kind of blatant favoritism.

People will find what they want if they want it. They don't need to be spoon fed it all.

For thirty years animators who strive to create something genuinely unique have gotten nothing but a slap in the face. It's sickening and it has to stop someday, before they all disappear.

Lastly, this post is not about me. I'm not writing this out of self-pity, bitterness or spite. I'm being honest. I care a lot about the future of animation, and what I see around me is very troubling. The industry is bad enough, but where the future lies is in the small corners of the animation world. Newgrounds is one of them. I spend a lot of time trying to encourage and teach frame-by-frame animation, and creating your own characters and scripts. That is what is important

Alien sex robots attack. That's a catchy title.

The movies title really grabs your attention because it is simple psychology.

Sexy titles equals more views even if the viewer doesn't happen to be horny at that point.

You did some well done png integration and made full use of your tweens and even googled photos of sex toys from different angles.

The way you even rotated some of your sex toys to switch directions was pretty interesting and the fact that the air forces was fighting an invading force of alien sex toys is highly absurd.

Your syncing was decent overall and was very much in the same vein as the old animutions.

I can picture this little funny movie being at least a little successful around here even if some of us here are somewhat tired of sex humor.

I would be interested in seeing you try drawing your own pictures, frame by frame with your future works.

In closing don't be shy to do another little experiment such as this and don't relay on sexual humor too much because without some non sexual offensive humor, clean jokes or any kind of wit to balance out your comedy diet.

It all falls apart because sometimes sex humor can back fire and end up being pretty lame.


g01010 responds:

Thanks for your insightful critique. I was particularly intrigued by your comments on the use of "sexual humour" given that your most recent submission to this site is entitled "Megaman Guzzles Cum".

That was hilarious

It's a pretty good quick parody of Autumn Tree and the reason the whole subject matter was approached with a light touch rather than a serious touch is because it is a movie to get a rise out of autumn tree fanboys.

The speed up emo music and the very silly stick figure like graphics in general but i would have been interested in seeing this style do a full on shot by shot parody of autumn like a ten minute movie for example.

It would likely work but this spoof works too.


MonsterMunchClock responds:

The Gayest Showdown is the best movie ever

It's not terrible at he very least

Your drawings could use a bit of work here and there but it the animation was mostly frame by frame and it's clearly not spam.

You should really consider uploading a new cartoon everyday so that you get a shit load of practice.

You just signed up around pretty recently and already got 7 movies up here.

I can picture you becoming a top uploader very easily and people won't complain because you'll be improving faster than you would have if you took forever one each movie.

also if you need voice acting in your movies you can easily ask just about anyone who has done voice acting already to do it over at the newgrounds forums here.

They'll be happy to do it for you for free or if you would like.

Hell, i'd be happy to do some voices to help you out here.

Looking forward to your future attempts.


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