
178 Movie Reviews

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Six years later and it is still hilarious as ever

It is still considered taboo to joke about events such as 9/11 but as time goes on it gets less and less shocking.

The timing was a little off because it was three years after the September 11th attacks on the twin towers.

But even still you managed to offend a remarkable amount of people with your approach to the subject matter even years after the fact despite being late even than.

This in of itself is no small feat because normally the shock value dies down over time til the point that noone is paying any attention to said piece of work anymore.

But than there are those rare works that still shock and annoy people even well after the shock value would and could have died.

Somehow the addition of the piconjo character really adds onto the controversy of this work because piconjo is widely hated character but he is also charismatic and highly likable character.

The animation itself can easily be improved upon since there were few pieces of extremely impressive animation in there such as piconjo going back in time to 9/11 but those shots were mostly the money shots in an overall crudely animated piece.

I felt the animation here was extremely fitting for this movie because it added much to an already funny movie.

while a lot of laugh at movies like piconjo omg 9/11 it does not mean that we have no empathy or have no emotion.

It just shows that even humor can be found in even our darkest hour.

Best dailytoon this season so far

it's back to basics instead of a pathetic attempt to catch past glory it is two brand new cartoons from adam ant and mightybear.

Out of the two people in the battle i would have to go with adamant because it was a creative way to say the animator had writers block.

The second one wasn't as good since it looked to be a lot of rambling about nothing mixed in with photoshop pictures of outer space being tweened.

In closing it was a very funny dailytoon and i would like to see a lot more diversity in the dailytoons like what should have been happening from the very start.


This is some really great animation

I love seeing traditional animation and it had a really neat presentation to it all together such as the menu and preloader.

I liked the video quality itself since it didn't have that overly pixelated look commonly associated with animations posted to the internet.

The stop motion animation was great but personally i found the drawn animation to be more entertaining.

with claymation you have to worry about your cinematography such as choice of angles, lighting, shadows but like anything else it has to look natural such as the light having direction.

I commonly see some animators fall into the trap of adding lots of shadows to there cartoons for no reason other than to make it look more polished but they make the mistake of now allowing the lighting change as the characters move and there environment changes.

The one clay animation had some rather neat cinematography and was basically above home movie level in terms of spit and polish but i found the first stop motion animation in the collection to be more entertaining.

it didn't look as polished nor was it as good by technical standards but i felt it was more to the point than the clay animated movie.

what it all boils down to is that they were both good but i personally found one more entertaining than the other.

Now onto your drawn animations.

I'm not much of fan of rotoscope animation but if i was to compare it to the other forms of rotoscope i have seen before it is generally well animated.

rotoscope is extreamly difficult to pull off well because it takes more than mere tracing to have it look any good.

You even mixed a bit of your own personal touch to the rotoscope hence making it look less fake and eerie.

The ball bounce was nothing special to watch but you have effectively used squash and stretch.

the proportions in your animations were kept consistent even while angles changed and this is some of what of a mistake since proportions would change with a new angle.

abstract animation used color effectively and had a much more spontaneous feel to it than the other more steadily animated shorts.

I can assume you animated abstract animation in a more straight ahead fashion rather than planed ahead of time.

In fact abstract is the best of all your shorts in the entire collection.

If it could at all be possible to make another traditionally animated submission but with better optimization than you can easily make a much longer cartoon for this very website.

I look forward to seeing more from you and i hope this review is constructive enough to help you in the future.


CoolDrMoney responds:

honestly this is probably the most constructive review Ive ever recieved. Thanks PRY I will try my best

It'll be ogay was better

this parody was nowhere nearly as good as the other parody posted by the kitty krew.

It'll be ogay in the end was a better movie because while rushed it looked more like the original movie that was being mocked.

It had actual jokes and actually attacked it's target for parody.

and it really shouldn't have been a problem to make something presentable because the crude drawings on it'll be okay in the end should be easy to copy even for the laziest of people.

There basically fat stick figures.

The usage of tweens was very unfitting since frame by frame could have been used and shat out fast as well.

The authors comments actually put the whole movie into context but it was just a lame sex joke that didn't even bother spoofing it'll be okay in the end.

I really feel bad about this review because this could have been another great parody but the results only qualified as a bad joke that had no thought put into it.

Try again


SAK responds:

You are 100% right.

Not the worst of parody ranger movies

At least you learned from past reviews to stop using internet memes as much as you used to but it could have worked even better if avoided using internet memes at all.

I don't agree with the theory that when you can't come up with jokes it is best to steal them because even bad original material will always be far more memorable and interesting than a good homage.

normally self parody is a good direction to go in but in your case i would say that self parody actually done more harm to parody rangers than good since the addition of self hating satire has taken away some personal soul away from your series.

while you did learn from your criticism and handled in a mature fashion in the case of parody rangers maybe reacting to your criticism a bit more childishly by directly attacking the parodies of your work would have been a lot funnier.

It still oddly worked but i seen better parodies of parody rangers long time ago and at this point is old hat.

The other jokes that weren't attempts of self parody or internet memes were anime references and other unrelated pop culture spoofs were pretty much at the same level and not really worth mentioning.

The writing was still pretty bad but it wouldn't be fair to criticize this movie on writing alone since other aspects such animation, sound, coloring and others add to a coherent whole.

the animation has improved since the other parody ranger movies in a subtle way that most will not notice unless they pay extremely close attention to it and also remember the other parody rangers movies.

but like i said the improvement is extremely subtle and most people would not even notice it at all.

You've even tried to add a line of action to your animations such as when the characters felt pain, leaned forward, ect.

a bit more exaggeration in characters movements while not expected would have added an extra layer of comedy since sentai often has over the top acting along with ridiculous over acting on body language.

and it surprising that a parody of power rangers/super sentai has ignored that one bit of that show.

the characters facial expressions while cartoony were somewhat recycled from past parody rangers movies but there has been attempts at drawing new expressions within the context of parody rangers.

Maybe if you have acted out a bit of parody rangers in the mirror while drawing the story board would have made the characters acting better.

I'm not referring to the voice acting but your characters synchronizing the actors voice work itself.

but maybe these flaws could have been more easily avoided if you just made a short awesome movie rather than a long mediocre one.

The fact you even animated something an hour long is still a big deal because most of us here get bored before finishing a one minute short.

I hope this review doesn't come off as too mean because while i hate the parody rangers movies and this one is no exception.

I have noticed subtle improvements and i get the sense that you can do even better than this.

and if your fans are true fans they'll support you if you make a new parody rangers movie or not.


sorry rina and scoot but this sucks

When making references in your movies it needs to be relative to your characters own pop culture as it is of your own.

when the simpsons makes references in there early episodes it is subtle and when it caught by someone in the audience it is like an inside joke much like an internet meme.

But usually it is nearly impossible to successfully uses references or internet memes as humor because it is tossed around without any care of it making sense even in it's proper context.

pop culture influences your characters as much as it influences you but if it is just added in out of nowhere such as the king from zelda poping out of nowhere for a very stupid joke that doesn't work.

The whole thing felt worse than even the crappiest of familyguy reruns.

The voice acting wasn't terrible but like i said the script still needed work.

and lastly the one element that could have saved the whole package from being completely subpar was the animation by scoot.

It looked like a bad copy of the anime art style with stock wacky expressions already seen in egoraptor's movies.

when egoraptor draws those expressions it is something he came up with in the context of his work but when it is used again here is it merely recycling.

One mistake you make is drawing some lights and shadows in your backgrounds but not your characters.

Your animation lacks line of action in some places such as when real people stand still they don't stand perfectly stiff because it don't look natural.

when people get hurt or throw punchs you need to use exaggeration to emphasize the action itself.

but it only feels like a slight lean away from standing perfectly stiff and this is really no better than most stiff looking television animation.

I'm sorry if i was being a bit harsh but you both can do better and from the reviews written already your fanbase agrees with me.


Great stuff but lose that intro

Personally i think that littlest hobo intro drags on for too long and a skip button intro is needed because i want to get right to the watching the dailytoons themselves.

Dinky-dau made the part in todays dailytoon and i would be interested in seeing more parts by dinky some time in the future.

This is better than the last episode i reviewed but i'm still bored of the same littlest hobo theme music in the intro but other than that one annoyance it was a great dailytoon submission.


to be honest i found the dailybees to better

while i'm glad to see that the dailytoons have come back but the filler before the season started was much funnier.

I love the concept of dailybees because it was something that was just fun and wasn't trying to recapture what worked about the old dailytoons.

It just worked but so far this season has a been a bit mediocre at best so far.

Mediocre isn't always a bad thing since it just means that it's not terrible but not exactly good either.

There is still entertainment value here but it is not as entertaining as the older seasons because it has seemed to have stopped it's evolution all together.

I count the dailybees as it's own season and that was great it had that thing that made the past dailytoon seasons work because it just worked.

The dailybees worked because it was a brand new novelty, they were hilarious and didn't try to recapture past glory.

This fifth season might even turn out to be the best season yet because a lot of really good dailytoon seasons had very weak starts.

what needs to be done is to adapt to your own changing tastes in fact i'm getting a little bored of the same intro with the littlest hobo music over and over again.

I'm a sad i didn't get to make a dailybee because i figured the bees were the fifth season but even a bad change in direction is still change.

You've managed to keep things interesting enough to keep your audience watching but to really engage who were making this for.

even if all who takes part in the dailytoons make there cartoons for themselves they need to change things up a little.

The hamburger hill cartoon was just basic spam and the nick berg cartoon while outdated worked because of it's cruel sense of humor.

So far it's been entertaining but this season needs both new blood to be interested in making dailytoons and the people that worked on past dailytoons try something new all together.

In closing i'm happy to see the dailytoons make a come back.


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