Not the worst of parody ranger movies
At least you learned from past reviews to stop using internet memes as much as you used to but it could have worked even better if avoided using internet memes at all.
I don't agree with the theory that when you can't come up with jokes it is best to steal them because even bad original material will always be far more memorable and interesting than a good homage.
normally self parody is a good direction to go in but in your case i would say that self parody actually done more harm to parody rangers than good since the addition of self hating satire has taken away some personal soul away from your series.
while you did learn from your criticism and handled in a mature fashion in the case of parody rangers maybe reacting to your criticism a bit more childishly by directly attacking the parodies of your work would have been a lot funnier.
It still oddly worked but i seen better parodies of parody rangers long time ago and at this point is old hat.
The other jokes that weren't attempts of self parody or internet memes were anime references and other unrelated pop culture spoofs were pretty much at the same level and not really worth mentioning.
The writing was still pretty bad but it wouldn't be fair to criticize this movie on writing alone since other aspects such animation, sound, coloring and others add to a coherent whole.
the animation has improved since the other parody ranger movies in a subtle way that most will not notice unless they pay extremely close attention to it and also remember the other parody rangers movies.
but like i said the improvement is extremely subtle and most people would not even notice it at all.
You've even tried to add a line of action to your animations such as when the characters felt pain, leaned forward, ect.
a bit more exaggeration in characters movements while not expected would have added an extra layer of comedy since sentai often has over the top acting along with ridiculous over acting on body language.
and it surprising that a parody of power rangers/super sentai has ignored that one bit of that show.
the characters facial expressions while cartoony were somewhat recycled from past parody rangers movies but there has been attempts at drawing new expressions within the context of parody rangers.
Maybe if you have acted out a bit of parody rangers in the mirror while drawing the story board would have made the characters acting better.
I'm not referring to the voice acting but your characters synchronizing the actors voice work itself.
but maybe these flaws could have been more easily avoided if you just made a short awesome movie rather than a long mediocre one.
The fact you even animated something an hour long is still a big deal because most of us here get bored before finishing a one minute short.
I hope this review doesn't come off as too mean because while i hate the parody rangers movies and this one is no exception.
I have noticed subtle improvements and i get the sense that you can do even better than this.
and if your fans are true fans they'll support you if you make a new parody rangers movie or not.